The Swiss Riviera has long been a destination for lovers. Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor were just one famous couple that holidayed in the region but other well known identities were so impressed with its natural beauty, they made permanent homes there.

Lord Byron first put the area on the map with his epic poem, The Prisoner of Chillon. The English poet was so moved by the story of Francois Bonivard, a prisoner kept chained in the dungeons of Chillon Castle during the 16th century, that he penned the famous poem. Other literary greats followed: Ernest Hemingway, Russian composer Tchaikovsky, Mary Shelley, Russian-American novelist Vladimir Nabokov.

The hotel also offers a Givenchy Spa with everything from Ylang Ylang massage (using four hands), pressure therapy and advanced cosmetology, all on offer.

Close by it's possible to visit the family owned vineyard Domaine Bovy where Eric Bovy still hand paints the oak barrels with colourful murals, just as his late grandfather did.

With all this and more on offer, it's easy to see why the Swiss Riviera is still a favourite haunt for the rich, the famous and starry-eyed newlyweds in need of relaxing, pampering and a chance to breathe some pure Swiss mountain air.
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