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Who Pays for What - Bride or Bridesmaid?

Let's discuss bridesmaid tips on who pays for what

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Who Pays for What - Bride or Bridesmaid?

Let's discuss bridesmaid tips on who pays for what

Being a bridesmaid is a significant honor for any woman. It means that you are important to the bride and that she wants you to be part of her special day. However, being a bridesmaid also comes with certain responsibilities, including financial obligations. In this blog post, we will discuss bridesmaid tips on who pays for what.

The Dress

Traditionally, bridesmaids pay for their own dresses. However, some brides choose to cover the cost of the dresses as a gift to their bridesmaids. If the bride does not offer to pay for the dress, bridesmaids should expect to cover the cost themselves. The cost of the dress can vary greatly depending on the bride's preferences, so it is important to discuss this with the bride before purchasing anything.


Bridesmaids are usually responsible for paying for their own accessories. This includes shoes, jewelry, and any other accessories the bride requests. Again, it is important to discuss this with the bride before purchasing anything. Brides should try to choose accessories that are reasonably priced and can be worn again in the future.

bridesmaid dress


Hair and Makeup

In some cases, brides will cover the cost of hair and makeup for their bridesmaids. However, in most cases, bridesmaids are responsible for paying for their own hair and makeup. Bridesmaids should be prepared to pay for professional hair and makeup services, which can cost a few hundred dollars. It is also a good idea to schedule a trial run with the hair and makeup artist to ensure that you are happy with the results.

Bridal Shower and Bachelorette Party

The maid of honor and bridesmaids are typically responsible for planning and hosting the bridal shower and bachelorette party. This includes covering the costs of the events, such as decorations, food, and drinks. It is important to discuss the budget with the other bridesmaids and the bride to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Bridal Shower


Travel and Accommodations

Bridesmaids are responsible for paying for their own travel and accommodations to the wedding. This includes transportation to the wedding location, lodging, and any other travel expenses. Bridesmaids should try to book their travel and accommodations as early as possible to get the best deals.


Bridesmaids are expected to give the bride a gift for the wedding. The cost of the gift can vary depending on the bridesmaid's budget, but it is important to choose something thoughtful and meaningful. Bridesmaids can also choose to go in on a gift together to make it more affordable.



Tips for Saving Money

Being a bridesmaid can be expensive, but there are ways to save money without sacrificing the quality of the experience. Here are some tips:

• Shop around for the dress and accessories. Don't be afraid to look for deals and discounts online or in stores.

• Consider doing your own hair and makeup. If you have the skills, this can save you hundreds of dollars.

• Share accommodations with other bridesmaids. This can help reduce the cost of lodging.

• Look for affordable travel options, such as carpooling or taking a bus or train.

• Consider giving the bride a meaningful gift instead of an expensive one. It's the thought that counts.


Being a bridesmaid is a significant honor, but it can also be expensive. By understanding who pays for what and taking steps to save money, bridesmaids can enjoy the experience without breaking the bank. Remember, communication is key. Make sure to discuss any financial concerns with the bride and other bridesmaids to ensure that everyone is on the same page. With proper planning and budgeting, being a bridesmaid can be a memorable and enjoyable experience.